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Everybody has experienced a day when the rain is coming down hard, your wiper blades are going at double speed and your face is squished up against the window in the hope of seeing a bit more of the road.

Poor visibility has been linked to a significant number of car accidents which is why visibility is absolutely vital when you are driving, especially in autumn and winter months when the weather conditions are more adverse.

To maintain good visibility on the road you should check your wiper blades every 6 months for these common problems:

  • Streaky residue being left in a typical arch shape (Caused by a dry wiper blade, old pollen, or left over tree sap that has collected from previous months)
  • Cracks and splits caused by the sun’s rays (a common giveaway of needing a replacement wiper blade)
  • Heavily worn rubber edges that have lost their shape after extensive use (these will not be as effective at wiping water away from the glass)
  • Jumping blades leaving vertical lines on your windshield after use and impairing your vision
  • Buckled wiper blades from knocks and other forms of damage (this will result in poor contact with the glass and may result in marking it)

If you have one or more of those symptoms it may be time to consider replacing the wiper blade. Luckily we stock a range of Valeo brand wiper blades that are inexpensive, these can also be fitted for a small fee when you visit your nearest Wilco branch.

Buy Valeo Wiper Blades ►

Why use Valeo wiper blades?

  • Industry leading specialist that provides automotive parts to major brands worldwide
  • Easy to install without the need for an adapter
  • Better visibility in all weather conditions from calm sunny days to extreme snow or rain
  • Long lasting and durable performance (a key reason for their success)
  • Tec 3 Rubber technology provides smoother and quieter wiping for a more relaxed drive Improved blade-to-windshield contact at high speeds
  • No metal superstructure to collect snow or ice gives the driver superior visibility in adverse weather conditions


Not sure which wiper blade you need for your vehicle? Use our number plate lookup tool or ask us via live chat.

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